Battle Scythe - 190 cm

  • 2 295 kr
  • 1 795 kr
I lager.
Lagersaldo: 5

Enough is enough. You’ve been pushed too far, and you will no longer take such abuse from power.

The king has raised taxes once more, leaving you and your family hungry. Alongside other farmers like yourself, you’ve fashioned your own Battle Scythes, prepared to defend your land and your kin the next time the king’s men demand more than is owed.


Epic Armoury’s Battle Scythe is a 190 cm latex poleaxe inspired by war or military scythes. Featuring a curved, single-edged 45 cm blade and a long wood-like staff, this hand painted and sculpted scythe is a weapon for any mercenary, revolutionary, or dangerous farmer. Small sculpted details, like grommets attaching the blade to the staff, give this poleaxe a particularly realistic look.

Made from durable closed cell foam around a fibreglass core and finished with a strong latex coating, you can feel confident that your Battle Scythe LARP weapon will provide the safety and appeal you want when crafting your kit.


  • A normal scythe would have been used as a farming tool, but a curved blade repurposed as a weapon on a staff was also used
  • War scythes were constructed as a defensive weapon against cavalry
  • A common weapon used in peasant uprisings

Long Imperial Halberd 220cm

3 195 kr 2 495 kr

Halbard - 190 cm

2 399 kr 1 899 kr

Spear of Light - 190 cm

2 795 kr 2 295 kr

Ancient Spear - 190 cm

2 399 kr 1 899 kr